Test Activities: Overview

Testing activities is very similar to testing resources; for each activity you will want to check the following:

  1. Launch
  2. Completion
  3. Title and Description
  4. Information (Duration, Type, etc.)
  5. Thumbnail Image

The steps for checking these basic elements are not covered in this guide – you can refer to the Test Resources Guide if you need help testing these aspects of your activities.

This guide focuses on the unique aspects of each activity type that you should test. You will be checking to make sure each activity functions as you expect it to, based on the settings you gave it. You can also download a comprehensive TILE Testing Checklist if you want to use one tool to check all of your course elements.

Access the Learning Portal

You will test your activities by accessing them as your learners will, in the TILE learning portal. Follow the steps below to access the Portal before you test.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Select the Profiles option in the side menu.

  2. Select the “Going Online: Sandbox” learning profile.

  3. The practice lesson/course opens. Check to make sure the lesson displayed is your lesson by confirming the Title.

  4. If it is NOT your lesson, follow these steps to load your lesson:
    1. Click the drop-down arrow next to the lesson Title

    2. A complete list of lessons appears in a “ribbon” interface. Select your lesson. The ribbon display collapses and your lesson is displayed.

Test Discussion Activities

Testing a discussion activity is simple. Just launch the discussion and check the following:

  1. Discussion loads
  2. Discussion has a prompt
  3. Discussion is active/open

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the Add Discussion Guide if you need help making updates to your discussion activity in Composer.


To test a video collaboration activity, you will go through the activity as a learner and confirm that the activity is easy to use and functions as you intended. There are four types of video collaboration activities:

  • Q&A
  • Individual Project
  • Interactive Video
  • Group Project

Click the appropriate section below for the activity type you want to test.

Test Q&A Activity

There are several elements to check when testing a Q&A activity. Access the learning portal, launch the activity, and then check the following:

  1. Activity loads
  2. Activity has a title and instructions
  3. Activity has rubric (if applicable)
  4. Instruction video (if applicable) plays
  5. Video recorder activates

  6. Question prompt videos play
  7. Text for each question is present

  8. Learner video recording delay, minimum, and maximum times are appropriate

  9. Learner can retake/retry activity (if applicable)

  10. Post-submission instructions are present

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the "Q&A" tab of the Add Video Collaboration Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.

(back to top)

Test Individual Project Activity

The items to test in an Individual Project are similar to other video collaboration activities. Access the learning portal, launch the activity, and then check the following:

  1. Activity loads, has a title, and has instructions
  2. Activity has rubric (if applicable)
  3. Instruction video (if applicable) plays

  4. Has appropriate media types to “add” (e.g., videos, files, links, etc.)

  5. Post-submission instructions are present

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the "Individual Project" tab of the Add Video Collaboration Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.

Test Interactive Video Activity

The items to test in an Interactive Video are similar to other video collaboration activities. Access the learning portal, launch the activity, and then check the following:

  1. Activity loads
  2. Activity has a title and instructions
  3. Instruction video (if applicable) plays

  4. Questions appear at the appropriate point of time in the video

  5. Question text is appropriate
  6. Intended answer choices are present and text is appropriate
  7. Answer choices are correct/incorrect as intended; answer feedback (if applicable) is present and appropriate

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the "Interactive Video" tab of the Add Video Collaboration Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.

Test Group Project Activity

The items to test in a Group Project are similar to other video collaboration activities. Access the learning portal, launch the activity, and then check the following:

  1. Activity loads
  2. Activity has a title and instructions
  3. Group name(s) is/are appropriate
  4. Activity has rubric (if applicable)
  5. Instruction video (if applicable) plays

  6. Has appropriate media types to “add” (e.g., videos, files, links, etc.)

  7. Post-submission instructions are present

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the Add Group Project Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.

Test Virtual Classroom/Office Hours

Testing an online lecture or office hours scheduled to take place in Virtual Classroom is simple. Just launch the activity and check the following:

  1. The Meeting Lobby loads and the event has the correct title and start date/time
  2. The meeting start time is indicated and the ‘Enter Meeting Room’ button is disabled

If your Meeting Lobby does not load, or has the incorrect date/time for the activity, then double-check your meeting settings. Refer to the Add Virtual Classroom Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.

Test Virtual Labs

There’s a lot to check in a virtual lab activity, but the process is straightforward. Launch the lab activity and then check the following:

  1. The Virtual Lab loads and has the required operating system, software, etc. (in the correct versions)
  2. The Lab Guide content is appropriate and formatted as intended

  3. (If applicable) The Code Validator includes the necessary requirement checks, and those checks are evaluating the code/output properly. (It is recommended to copy/paste “good” and “bad” code/output into the validator to test this.)

We recommend you record any issues you find – this helps ensure that you remember what needs to be fixed when you go back to Composer. You can use this spreadsheet tool to help you track any issues you find. It may be helpful to take screenshots of certain issues.

Refer to the Add Virtual Lab Guide if you need help making updates to your activity in Composer.